"Economic and ecological added value through Drive 4.0"

Dr. habil Tassilo Schuster und Lara Schmidt vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS sind im Projekt „Reallabor Antrieb 4.0“ für die Leitung des ersten Arbeitspakets verantwortlich (Analyse von Anwendungsszenarien und Erhebung von Anforderungen an eine modulare Serviceplattform im Ökosystem Antrieb 4.0). Mit ampere sprachen sie über die Idee hinter dem Projekt und den aktuellen Stand.

Norwegian fjords as virtual storage

Two power cables already connect Norway with Germany and the Netherlands respectively. From 2030, sustainable hydrogen will also flow through a pipeline to Germany.

"Europe must act as an economic entity"

As managing partner of Elschukom GmbH in Veilsdorf (Thuringia), Ute Poerschke is increasingly struggling with bureaucracy in Brussels. Nevertheless, she is not an EU sceptic - because as an entrepreneur and citizen, she also sees the opportunities that a united Europe offers her.

"Standards are top priority"

Kerstin Jorna heads the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW). The influence of EU member states on international standardisation is an important concern for her. She would like to see more experts from the member states represented on international committees.